Nigiri Sushi is now seen not only in Japan, but all over the world.
Traditional "Edomae"Nigiri Sushi still reflects the taste of old Tokyo.
In the days before refrigeration,all Sushi fish had to be eaten as soon as it was made(prepared).Therefore,sugar was never added to the vinegar, and the Sushi had a saltier taste than it does now.

Photo: Ginza 'Kyubei' restaurant

[Assorted Nigiri Sushi]

*Tuna(soaked in soy sauce)
[ How to make Nigiri Sushi :]
  1. Put a bit of wasabi on the fish, and shape the sticky rice into a round, cylindrical shape (like a traditional Japanese "straw bag").
  2. Squeeze the fish and rice together firmly, so that they don't separate.
  3. Boil soy sauce with "Mirin"(sweet sake) or Sake, and brush it on the fish.
*Spotted fish(marinaded)
*Boiled Clam
*Boiled shrimp
*Cooked squid
*Snapper(soaked in salt)
*Baked sea eel